Well first of, its not like the first Fable which we all love, which I hope will be addressed in the next Fable

User Rating: 7.5 | Fable III PC
Very nice but still lack that Oomff,very nice gameplay but kinda miss the experience system in Fable and I think spells are overpowered and i wish it could be nerfed and include some other spells, Fable 3 has good storyline and being a king is very hard and its very frustrating to play when you get to the decision making which all you need is to get a insane amount of gold, it gets boring sometimes when waiting for the gold to come every 5 mins that I could just doze off never to return,and it still shows a lot of promise with those wonderful quest and very funny humor inside the game, playing it was not a waste of my time I was simply captivated and attracted to play it for hours because of its story, you go around gathering up followers, but after a while it gets to predictable and dull, fighting is not dull in Fable 3, its just the point of your character is to make more followers join your cause, after a few hours the story becomes predictable, with the same pattern, do a quest here and there and your done, for me no challenge despite this, its a very good game, not great, but good game, for me, its worth my money.