A Player sence Launch

User Rating: 8 | Fallout 76 (Tricentennial Edition) PS4
At the start there were a lot of bugs but it wasn't anything my mates and i didn't expect after all it is befesta's first fallout online and with how buggy the beta was so close to launch. We didn't expect the disconnects and blue screens... but we continue to play and dispite what people say it was and still is playable. It's literally a game made to play with friends meet people and well have fun the amount of stuff you can do is amazing be creative like grabbing a fishing outfit some harpoon gund and act like a crazy old fishing boat captain with your first mate being a junkie on the hunt for a monster that isn't there that what i did today rping is fun and most importantly have a open mind befesta dosnt hold your hand though the endearing Westland so grab your mates head into the wasteland knowing that befesta is constantly bug fixing, updating, and event making. Dispite the only npcs we have at the moment are robots for now there are various story lines that are very detailed and immersive some can give the feels. There is a story behind what happened to every faction besides the ever growing mistory that is the mothman cult "PRAISE BE" And every expansion bring in content that will last untill the next I'm really looking forward to what it brings to the table in the future. P.s's *it's only good for solo to lvl 50 in my opinion *if you turn down brightness setting the game becomes a horror game * updates are free and the game constantly gose on sale * also disconnect and blue screens are still a thing it's seldom and way better than it was once in a blue moon but stated it earlier so I have to be honest about it *The premium currency is 99% for cosmetic and can be earned in game via challenges and there are new daily and weekly each cycle the 1% is for a overpriced repair kit you can get a better version of them in game by killing the scorched bat queen * Is it worth it? With friends yes definitely P.S.S I didn't punctuate I just made a account here to give my honest review now that enough time has past I hope I encouraged some people to not just hate it to hate it and maybe even play it I also think that's why befesta did a free week so that people could judge it them selves.