If you like sci fi or rpg's this is for you,if you like both your in for a treat!

User Rating: 9 | Fallout PC
Fallout is an old game and it shows graphic wise.Like all great games though graphics don't really mean a lot!Fallout is for sure a classic and it is also still a wonderful game.RPG's age much better than most games but still yet some to me just are not fun anymore.Take Final Fantasy 9, I used to love it but I just recently played it and just could not stand it,but I played through part 7 and 4 and had alot of fun doing it.Where am I going with this?My point is in my opinion fallout is up there with those timeless rpg's.It packs so much cool customization and depth for a game this old it will blow your mind.

First of all though unlike the FF's or some other rpg's out there fallout has a tough learning curve.The first time I played through it I could not shake the feeling that I was just doing a lot of things wrong.Once you catch on too it though it gets really fun.First there is your character and you can make this guy anyway you see fit.With some really cool options that will make you say man why don't other rpg's try some of this stuff.You set your main stats,then pick your 3 favorite skills,and you pick two traits.Stats govern your skills and things you can do.Skills make you more efficient at lock picking,first aid,weapons and so on.Traits are very cool,you pick two and they all have a pro and a con so choose with caution.Then after every so many levels you get perks which can help modify skills or give you a cool ability.Stack all this with meaningful dialog in which you pick what you want to say and then that goes toward how others look at you,and you have a very good stew going on how to make a super cool RPG.Then there are the quests which are fun,although I did not like the timer on the water chip quest.Hmmm needs a little more zest........Got it how about a really cool tactical battle system.You go turn based and can even right click on your weapon then bring up a tactical view of the enemy and pick it apart by say shooting out a leg so it has problems moving then just putting it out of its suffering with ease.

Not all is great though I have all the patches and it still runs kinda buggy.The combat can become overwhelming resulting in a cheap death, but nothings worse than making a mistake and whatching 7 or 8 guys kick your guts out untill you die so you can load it and try again.The thing that sucks about it is you know your dead but due to the turnbased battles you have to wait till its your turn or die to load and it can get ugly.Also like I said up there this game has a really steep learning curve or at least it did too me but once your past all that this game is just fun.

Fallout was a game that was ahead of its time and helped to create the rpg's we know today.Whats more than that is other than the graphics this game is still loads of fun!