The bad continuation for the great version

User Rating: 5 | Far Cry New Dawn XONE

In this review, only the negative aspects of the game are considered. The purpose of this work is to help you to get a better decision on the purchase of the game

My Rating: 5 of 10

Weak points (Single player only):

I think Ubisoft had a mistake to make this title base on Far cry 5. if you play far cry 5 and enjoyed it, I don't suggest to buy new dawn!

- The worst part of the game is the artificial intelligence. Enemies and characters that serve you in missions have many irreparable defects in artificial intelligence.

Some times you must restart your progress to balance this basic glitch and some times they can make your fighting very simple and boring.

-There is no improvement over the previous version, and the game's atmosphere design is full of repetitive and lacking creativity elements.

New Dawn is not a full game in series and should be published as DLC for a lower price!