Short and Precise Review

User Rating: 9.5 | Fat Princess PS3
Scores out of 5

Presentation - 5 Great jokes, characters, voices make this game a pleasure to play

Graphics - 5 Cartoony graphics. But that is not a bad thing. Tons of blood (Not really a positive or negative) Sound - 4 Funny voice overs, songs make the sound worthy to go along with the graphics

Gameplay - 5 Balanced classes, easy to get into but hard to master. Team play needed.

Lasting Appeal - 4.5 Many maps, online modes, 32 player online, stat tracking and trophies. Online is a little laggy but it has only been 1 day since launch.

23.5/25 = 9.4/10 Fun Value - 5 Addicting Value - 5

July 31, 2009

Facts (I have 200 characters remaining)
- Magical Potion that turns players into chickens.
- A lot of strategy involved.
- 16 pages of stats.
- Story mode.
- Long tough gladiator mode.
- A great fun soccer mode.