I didn't play the console versions,... on it's own the Vita version plays great.

User Rating: 8 | FIFA 13 VITA
Everyone seems to be complaining that it didn't get everything the console versions got. But honestly I've been playing it and quite impressed with how well it controls. It takes a couple games to get good at it too, which I prefer in my games. Instead of just first game picking up and it's so easy I stomp my opponents from moment one.

I'm more than satisfied, and I can recommend it with a good heart. If you like sports games this one gives a good challenge and it's fun. That's really the main thing I'm looking for in a game.

And most importantly for me, a somewhat casual soccer fan, this game will more than hold me over until the next batch of Vita games hits the shelves: Assassins Creed 3, Black Ops, Street Fighter vs Tekken, and Battle Royale. Oh yeah, I'm actually planning on building a character in that Ragnarok Odyssey game. I love the slow burn RPG's.