Almost crud!

User Rating: 6 | Fight Night Champion X360
So in this lovely title you get to be Andre Bishop. i like the story, yes? Yes. I do enjoy a good plot in any game. Every opponent has some horrible strategy. The first fighter has to be the gayest fughter ever invented. Then you get a guy that if he hits you with one left hook, you're down. I found that the controls were pretty good, still kept a bit of the old school wonder.
This is like one of those games where it's almost like magic billiards, or hanicapped. "Knock this guy down twice in order to win", "knock this guy out with body shots, OH OH NONONO! you knocked him out with an hook to the jaw. AWW game over man.: Yea, not cool. Anyway, i haven't beat this game yet, so I cant only guess what the end story will be/ It's like when Killer had to fight Nibbles. Na man. I can't fight Nibbles.
Barely an hour into this game and my fingers are in worse shape than when I used to play KI 2. I feel like these fight night games are missing.......somethjing......