Final doom is not the final doom but definitely the longest doom title to date. 64 levels of what u liked best DOOOOOOM

User Rating: 9.7 | Final DOOM PC
Final doom is for doom fans
non-doom fans will defiantly not understand why such a dated title was introduced to the market in the first place.
It is a special title for doom fans. If the original doom deserves a 10 so does this doom. Yes it is dated but let us supposed it was released with the first 2 titles doom & doom2. Exactly it would have received a 10. This title was released for the ones who still play the classics so to them it is a classic. Download a doom port (legacy-zdoom) or any other port. Play the game with high resolution and mouse support. Finish it at the hardcore difficulty from beginning to end so that u can truly understand its beauty and acquire the crazy level addiction that all doomers have. Doom is forever….. it becomes stupid to give the title below 9