Two of the most memorable RPGs in the history of gaming if you don't have a working SNES, now you don't need one!

User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy Chronicles PS
To be honest, this should have been Chrono Trigger and FFIII (FFVI in Japan) - but nonetheless they are still two great games.

What can I say about Chrono Trigger - the blockbusting sleeper of 1996 that made more money for Square than the whole Final Fantasy library - and financed FF sequels all the way up to FFVII? The definition of an action / turned-based / RPG??? Superb music, gameplay, story; quirky, memorable characters; innovative graphics. You MUST play it. There are load time issues on the PS console (and I had to play it on my PS1, the PS2 would not load it) but that's forgivable. I played this game about 50 times on the SNES, and I will play it some more! This, FFIII, FFVII, Zelda III and Xenogears are REQUIRED RPG games for any player of this genre. If you didn't play these games you basically have no right to criticize, because you have no reference point of comparison!

FFIV (originally FFII in the USA) is a great experience also - but one criticism I have; enemy spells with little or no cure - like charm. Sure you can use Esuna, but there is no item (except maybe Remedy - at 500000 a pop!). There are some areas where you get a definite slowdown, and some enemies, like The Veteran, who cast Doom (another spell with no cure) where you experience slowdown as well. Although the game was good, there were some things here and there that made me go "why"? Like why go to the Sylph Cave? You get there and the Monk is sleeping - you go upstairs and you get kicked out! There are some chests there, but that's it. Seems like an undeveloped area to me. There are also some parts of the Lunar Path where there is no chest or anything - you just walk through. Waste of space if you ask me. the biggest irritations I had was items with no descriptions, and characters spell status not being indicated. In one fight I killed my party because I though they had "Wall" (reflect) - only to find out it had faded away with no confirmation. There is a status display - but it seems to show up when it feels like it. I like how most of the other games handle it - by showing the character differently so you know what it's status is.

Nevertheless, it's still a good, semi-long RPG and while it isn't a necessity, I recommend playing it when you get around to it.