The best Final Fantasy EVER!

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy VI PS

I've first played this on the SNES, and the again on the Playstation. This is an underrated masterpiece that definitely deserved a complete remake. This was such a joy back then. Never a final fantasy game had so many playable characters before, and boy, the legendary team Hironobu Sakaguchi, Yoshinori Kitase, Nobuo Uematsu, have delivered one of the most memorable histories ever told in a game. A tale about love and war, and an experience to remember for life. The gameplay and the battle system is fantastic, the soundtrack is perfect, the characters, are just a sight to behold: each one of them are beautifully embedded into the history as the game progresses. To think that this game was developed for a small memory cartridge in a 16-bit system, is looks like an impossible feat. Newer games focuses on the graphical prowess of the system, and often forget that a memorable experience comes from the storytelling, it's characters, the soundtrack, no matter how limited the system is. This one serves as a landmark in the game industry, that you can make a fantastic game no matter the limitations.