The game is a rip off

User Rating: 5 | Final Fantasy VII Remake PS4

Never been this mad, i stayed away from news and stuff cause i wanted the game to mesmerise me. Well it did, but not the way i wanted. Who had the great idead to cut this game? So i just paid full price for like 1/8 of the game i loved. Congrats square, i have been playing your games since the first Final Fantasy 1, i cried at aerith death on the original, but not as hard as i cried for your sorry ass that gave me an unfinished game. So, i will not buy any of your games and if i can ill pirate the rest of the story you just cuted. Cause i just paid the full price for like 10% of the full story. What's next? a remake of Chrono Trigger that ends when he teleports to the past? COME ON!