Square outdid themselves, by topping the beloved FF7.

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy VIII (Platinum) PS
Every one was screaming for this game after FF7. Square had a lot of pressure on their hands trying to top FF7 and in my opinion they did just that.
Now for some reason when it finally came out, a lot of people wouldn't except it for what it was. I could go on and on but it just seemed there are too many ff7 fanboys out there that just picked the hell out of this game, looking for any reason why its far less superior.

I see this game as being the changing point of the series for the better. They finally tried something totally new with the system and gave the game a more adult, realistic look.

The story (hated by lots for some reason) is basically a teen (Squall) that ends up having to go on a mission for the protection of his and other Gardens (establishment of soldiers). There is an unwinding love story of sorts that slowly comes about and gets stronger and deeper as the game progresses.

The menu/junction system may take a bit of getting used to but ends up really providing you with great mixed possibilities. You can teach your GF's (summons) a great deal of various types of abilities which have a great variety of purposes. An added card game makes collecting and doing something else fun.

The mix of characters are done well and all have their own distinct personalities. Squall's quietness and inability to express his feelings as a main hero gives you a great sense of his character from his constant silent thoughts to himself. You really start to get inside his head and kind of become him through his eyes because you are the only own literally reading his inner thoughts.

Overall its basically the complete package. Plenty of side quests and things to find/upgrade & a story to keep you wanting to go to the very end.