Classic 2d scrolling beat em up awaits...

User Rating: 9 | Final Fight ARC
Ahh how I remember spending all my pocket money on playing this game in the arcades...

Money well spent! And now thanks to the emulator we can all enjoy this, the BEST version of Final Fight. Forget what anyone tells you. The arcade version has always been, and always will be the definitive version.

Three selectable characters Cody, Haggar and Guy, each with their own ability’s, are your’s to choose from.

So what’s the story? The Mad Gear gang have kidnapped Mayor Mike Haggar’s daughter Jessica. So Haggar, along with Jessica’s boyfriend Cody, and Cody’s mate Guy travel the streets of Metro city to bring the gang down.

The gameplay is pretty repetitive, beat up bad guy’s beat a boss go to the next level and do it all over again. However the simultaneous two player option is great for when you got your mates round.

An absolutely brilliant game, get it on emulator right now!