As a pack in title, FlingSmash gets a lot of things right, but fails the most important part - the controls.

User Rating: 4 | Tataite Hazumu: Super Smash Ball Plus WII
FlingSmash is the pack in game for the Wii's new and improved controller, the Wii Remote Plus, that features a Wii motion plus built in. As a pack in title, FlingSmash gets a lot of things right, but fails the most important part - the controls.

FlingSmash puts you in control of Zip or Pip, the guardians of the island under attack by dark forces. They have the power to bounce and well...smash things. Using the Wii Remote Plus or a Wii remote with a motion plus attachment, you have to smash Zip or Pip around like a tennis ball to earn points and destroy everything in your path. Your main objective is to earn 3 coins in each stage to unlock the pearl at the end to advance to the next stage.

There's 3 stages and 1 boss in each of the 8 worlds, with unlockable bonus minigames and 1 or 2 player gameplay.

In terms of graphics, FlingSmash is colorful, in classic Nintendo fashion, featuring a decent upbeat music score. Up to this point it seems FlingSmash has the makings of being a great pack in title.

The problem is, that FlingSmash fails miserably when it comes to controls. Swinging the Wii remote often sends Zip or Pip in a direction you didn't intend to go. Many times did I swing left, the character wen right. Swing up, he went down instead. Even recalibrating the remote many times did not help. I even tried the new remote on other Wii games, which worked fine. The Conclusion? FlingSmash just is not made to properly read the remote's reactions.

This leads to numerous frustrations, retrying of levels needlessly, and just no fun in the end and makes the game fall apart.

It's a shame. FlingSmash had the makings of a great pack in title, as it did everything right, but the controls. Which when it comes to the new Wii Remote Plus, is a double shame - as the pack in doesn't not showcase how great the new controller is.