Aggrivating beyond all imagination...

User Rating: 4.8 | Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone XBOX
When I first saw footage of this game I was impressed- the game looked like a flashier version of previous D&D series titles. In all actuality it is nothing of the sort and lacks the fundementals of all game development standards. If you wish to read why- then continue. Graphically this game is innept as an XBOX title- there where no attempts to beef up the graphics from the PS2 version. Saddly I give its graphics a "4". Rarely does anything get as low a score as a "4" from me- in other words it was bad. The story was very linear and cliche for a game of this type. Obviously the game was initially put together to make money on the D&D name and nothing more. Three heros on a quest, each with different and complementary powers that grow as they attain rank. The combat it limited and highly predictable. For instance- your charectors will walk down a path where they encounter an orge. They fight a nearly in-exhaustable number of these orges and then get to advance on through another fruitless and boring jog through the woods. I call this kind of level setup "Event Driven Ambusing" which to me is the lamest developers tool for being either lazy or getting the game done on a limited timeframe. If you have to build a game using this method then maybe you shouldn't make the game. Make a crappy Pokemon game or something if your going to waste the consumers time. I tried to play this game even though every "AMBUSH" was a trial on my patience. I played it for a solid week every night. I couldn't find anything I like about this game; and I tried. Its really too bad that game developers are more interested in getting a paycheck than producing a quality game.