Too hard, but thats a good thing

User Rating: 8.2 | Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone XBOX
Most game titles have twists, Demon Stone has too many, but thats a good thing. And i'll tell you why. So the game starts with the story about three main characters who have to get the demon stone and save the world, o.k. thats easy. Obviously the story fits good with the game so thats a good thing, but the gameplay has its own different story. I only have one word to say, HARD, its so hard, you'll get pissed off quickly especially when you're fighting tough monsters that require a specific weakness to kill them, and some are immune to melee attacks, but at the same time its still entertaining so you should be o.k. from that point. You start off with three characters, rannek, the fiery swordsman, illius, the man with magic tricks up his sleeves, and zhai, the trash-talking, ass kicking female elf. These characters has their own special attibutes, like for instance. Zhai is a specialty in stealth, when in dark areas she turns invisible, so that way you can sneak up on an enemy without knowing what hit them, however you have to stay around the dark areas because if you dont, well you're out of luck. Illuis is helpful for taking down range attacks so you have nothing to worry about, and finally rannek, when encountering huge obstacles he uses his mighty fist to demolish them so hes important. After every level you finish, you can upgrade your characters at the upgrade menus by buying different weapons, health items, and even moves, if you're tired of buying specific stuff, you can select auto-buy which is very helpful during the game. Now the sound, the sound is awesome. The voice acting is great and the explosions are realistic. It also has that lord of the ring feeling going on, so its like you're actually watching a movie because of the cutscenes. So there is no problem going on here. The graphics are also great. The character expressions are real and the environments are fantastic. And they also help out with the cutscenes to make the realistic. The value, you get to play with two other friends so you wont be alone. The reviewer's tilt, well although the gameplay is good it'll get repetive. As a result, this is a must have. So get it or else, its fun, worth your money.