Well dont buy this crap..Bad ctrls... bAd Camera view...BAd period. worst game ive ever purchased period.

User Rating: 2.3 | Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone PC
bought this game out of boredom with the ones i have been playing for the last 2 months. intially i was exicted to get to play this game, i played the lord of the rings movie games and didnt mind them was a few days of fun. but in this game the camera view totally kills the game, not just slighlty but completely and ther are also areas in the game that u walk into then the sky appears and your screwed from then on in, so also very poorly made probably rushed.

As for cinematics ther great and game looks ok, wouldnt say it is great by any means what so ever, this game reminded me of aggression and intolerance lol i am really serious that this game is horrible to the bone, if you still buy it and install it, and then play it within the first 1-2 mins youll agree that this is a horrible game and that these morons making games should realize that with todays technology we expect nothing less that the freedom to view and move the game world especially in games like this.,