Share something embarrasing about yourself!

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#1  Edited By DEVILinIRON
Member since 2006 • 8785 Posts

OK. I'll do the honors. Here goes... I mistakenly wore my underwear backwards, all work day long. My first jaunt to the restroom was when I realized, the back imprint was visible from the front. No wonder things didn't feel right down there. I was in such a hurry to get to work, that I didn't even notice. Well, now I have something more to admit: I'm too lazy to change!

Does anyone else want admit something embarrassing? I wouldn't blame you if you decide against it.

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#2  Edited By InEMplease
Member since 2009 • 7461 Posts

I posted in this thread


You're ok. I should have gone to more parties.

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#3  Edited By deactivated-63d1ad7651984
Member since 2017 • 10057 Posts

When I was a teenager I went with my cousin to this bonfire party we clambaked in his car and I got super stoned. I didn't eat much that day so I was already kind of light headed. Needless to say when I got out of the car I was so fu#ked up it almost felt like I was overdosing and then I started throwing up in front of complete strangers multiple times it was vicious lol. I'm glad the party was outside lol because I would of turned that persons house into a scene from the exorcist lmao. I use to be embarrassed by this after it happened now looking back at it as a adult I find it funny lol.

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#4  Edited By MyCatIsMilk
Member since 2022 • 1284 Posts

Gosh. I don't get embarrassed all that easily. I know how to laugh at myself and I know that I don't care what anyone thinks, so I would have to go back to my childhood where I was more easily embarrassed.

I can't think of an embarrassing moment so much as an idiotic moment. I knew this kid who said he could beat me up, so I said I would win, and the girl next to us said I would win. School is out and I forgot about the whole situation but he didn't. He bumps his big, rotund belly at me, kina knocking the wind out of me, and I walk away pretending nothing happened. Lol. This was all in elementary school.

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#5 dracula_16
Member since 2005 • 16042 Posts

I pee sitting down, even though I'm a guy. It's more comfortable, you don't have to worry about aiming and you can read while you do it.

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#6  Edited By PfizersaurusRex
Member since 2012 • 1503 Posts

@dracula_16 said:

I pee sitting down, even though I'm a guy. It's more comfortable, you don't have to worry about aiming and you can read while you do it.

I do that as well, but I don't think it's embarrassing. It's practical in case you have some farting to do as well, especially when your asshole changes its mind in mid action.

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#7 comp_atkins
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got really hammered at my sisters wedding and ended up vomiting outside the entrance to the hotel after the reception.

my family loves to bring that one up :P

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#8 mrbojangles25
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Crapped my pants and didn't know it. It was like that really thin diarhea and just a little came out, but enough to stain the back of my pants. I walked around the grocery store with it for like 20 minutes before I noticed it. Right before a party too so I carried this keg inside from the truck, said hello to everyone, then was like "Oh shit!" and hopped in the shower ASAP.

Ever since that day I have this habit of reaching behind and feeling my pants every so often, just to make sure. Funny how incidents like that can establish a new habit.

@dracula_16 said:

I pee sitting down, even though I'm a guy. It's more comfortable, you don't have to worry about aiming and you can read while you do it.

Honestly I don't think that's embarrassing. I feel bad more for the people that would make fun of it. It is kind of unusual though.


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#10 SOedipus
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@mrbojangles25: I crapped my pants at work. Not full on or anything but I threw out the boxers at home. Partied the night earlier and been awhile. Threw up in the morning and thought that’d be it. I was mistaken.

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#11 Sam3231
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I guess I'll throw down with the "I shit myself" crew. Yeah, I shat myself and boy it was gross. It was first thing in the morning after a night of drinking and it wasn't like I was tryin' to push out a fart but rather my body was like "this-diarrhea-shit-is-coming-out-and-coming-out-NOW!" and it was pure liquid diarrhea in my bed.

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#12 Kadin_Kai
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1998 New Year’s Day, around midday finally got out of bed walked downstairs.

I crossed the living room full of relatives (around 20 uncles, aunties and cousins) and then into the kitchen, saw my mum and she told me, “your willy is sticking out of your boxers.”

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#14  Edited By KathaarianCode  Online
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1989 - First day of family vacations, we were at our favourite barbecue restaurant. The place was packed, I was super excited to be back... I don't even know how it happened but a shoe flew from my foot across the place and landed right on the giant bowl of sauce the cooker was using.

2006 - Around that time I was selling some illicit stuff, a friend of mine was chaperoning a band and came to me looking to score some stuff. I was super high and it was dark where we met and one of the band members had long blonde hair and I started to talk with him as if he was a girl. I wasn't embarrassed, just laughed along with the rest of the band, but the dude wasn't happy. I guess it was more embarrassing for him. Still super awkward.

2008 - Was at a party at a friends house and didn't want to drive home, so I end up staying. Another friend was in a similar situation so we shared the sofa. My friend is a far right super macho dude so was acting all defensive about it. Fast forward to me waking up with his hand grabbing my ass, me waking him up and him having a glorious self hatred meltdown. Genuinely hilarious but for him for sure a really embarrassing moment. Funny side story, I banged his girlfriend that same summer. Wild times.

2020 - I was on one of my morning runs in the local woods, tripped on some root, got all bruised, broke my phone and... shat myself.

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#15 palasta
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@dracula_16 said:

I pee sitting down, even though I'm a guy. It's more comfortable, you don't have to worry about aiming and you can read while you do it.

Never understood the whole sitting down drama. When i got to pee, i take a knee.

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#17 Masterkiller103
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Good thing I've got a good memory.

1987- I was five, and i was playing with my bike and i was going really fast for a 5 year old, i eventually started to get tired as the sun started to go down, and i was a little bit too far from my house. I knew the way to my house but i was about to shit myself. So i did what every reasonable person would do in this situation, I shit in the middle of the dark road, eventually a man came on the way with he's car, and he saw the big crap at the middle at the road, he got out and he stopped cuz my crap was so big lol, i drove my bike to get back and i accidentally hit him, he fell and his fricking face fell on the crap, i drove away as fast as possible, and after I ate dinner i realized he was one of my friends father, he didn't see me fortunately, But i still laugh at this situation.