My Wii theory - The system has become a status symbol (long but pls read)

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#1 SkyCastleDan
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I've personally played the Nintendo Wii on a few occasions, jumping into Wii Sports, WarioWare Smooth Moves and Mario Party. I will admit that while playing with others, the games can be fun. But that may be more of just being with friends and looking ridiculous while trying to control what's going down on your television than the actual game itself. My friend who owns that Wii has continuously mentioned to me that he doesn't like playing games alone, only with friends. That was more or less his excuse for not buying a PS3 or 360, systems aimed more at hardcore gamers.

I got to thinking about these comments and the attitude my friends have when talking about playing games on the Wii. It was although a sense of pride could be found in their voices when they said "let's go to my place to play some Wii!" Is it cause they love the system? I don't think so. I think it's become more of a situation where casual gamers are considering the Wii as a symbol of status, an item that defines the phrase keeping up with the Jones'. It's fairly hard to get your hands on, and it acts as an instant excuse to have those surronding you flock to your place cause of what it can do for multiplayer purposes.

The question is now, for both gamers looking to buy a Wii and developers, how long can the Wii hold up as a status symbol? Two years from now, will owning a Wii automatically make you the leading candidate for throwing a get together at your house rather than your friend's place? I think this is the foundation for developers like Sega questioning the Wii's longetivity and whether or not it's just a fad. Usually, items that act as a symbol of status don't stay like that for very long. Look at vehicles and clothes. Trends are created and destroyed everyday and if you're not following them,you're not part of that elite group of society we create in our own minds as being "upper-echelon."

The gaming industry is certainly different console wise, where consoles last for years updating slower than most products. But games developed for the individual consoles certainly come and go quickly, creating a new opinion as to what is the best game available every day. Is that the situation the Wii is in? It really didn't upgrade itself over its predeccessor. It really is just a Gamecube with a new, motion-sensor control system. Is that enough to justify a five year existance with no upgrade? I'm not too sure it is personally.

My opinion aside, this is just an analysis of what my experience with the Wii craze has been. It will be interesting to see just what the Wii will be a year or two from now.

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#2 CJL13
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You're saying people are buying the Wii because it makes you popular? Not for me. Most of my friends already have a Wii. I do get attention for being the only one of my friends that has a GC, but that's because they don't. Personally I disagree they get it to be hip. Most of the Wii's games are only fun with friends. Mario Party 8 SP is boring after like 5 turns, however with 3 friends and me it's a great game. I think that's why people are always inviting friends to play the Wii.
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#3 Eponique
Member since 2007 • 17918 Posts
I hate single-player games. That's why I love Mario Party ^^
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#4 KungfuKitten
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Well it has this kind of effect for sure. I'm a very shy person and normally don't let anyone come over, but a few weeks ago there were 6 or 7 friends waiting at my front door to play on the thing after i mentioned it once.
It's kind of annoying.

(edit: though they are really good people, and we did have fun)

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#5 SkyCastleDan
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts

You're saying people are buying the Wii because it makes you popular? Not for me. Most of my friends already have a Wii. I do get attention for being the only one of my friends that has a GC, but that's because they don't. Personally I disagree they get it to be hip. Most of the Wii's games are only fun with friends. Mario Party 8 SP is boring after like 5 turns, however with 3 friends and me it's a great game. I think that's why people are always inviting friends to play the Wii.CJL13

Just throwing this out there to quickly defend my position against a good response, but if the games were only fun multiplayer, you'd think word of mouth would spread by now and sales would actually slow right? If more people found out the games are only good for multiplayer purposes, than they'd just go to their friend's house to play them. But instead, the system keeps selling. I think it's more of a situation where "well my friend has one and everybody goes to his house, so if I buy one they'd all come to mine!"

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#6 Nex_Ownage
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Status Symbol? The $250 console? :?
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#7 CJL13
Member since 2005 • 19137 Posts

Well it has this kind of effect for sure. I'm a very shy person and normally don't let anyone come over, but a few weeks ago there were 6 or 7 friends waiting at my front door to play on the thing after i mentioned it once.
It's kind of annoying.

(edit: though they are really good people, and we did have fun)


Only my friends know I have a Wii, that'd be creepy though. When my sister's friends come over though they're like, "OMG YOU HAVE A WII!" Sometimes they play it. I don't see them coming over just to play it though.

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#8 SkyCastleDan
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts

Status Symbol? The $250 console? :? Nex_Ownage

Cheap, yes. But difficult to get your hands on. I mean, that's what Sheep brag about the most right? You can't find the thing anywhere but PS3s are fully in stock all over the place.

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#9 inerte
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Wii is the 2006's version of "wanna see my stamp collection?"
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#10 CJL13
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[QUOTE="CJL13"]You're saying people are buying the Wii because it makes you popular? Not for me. Most of my friends already have a Wii. I do get attention for being the only one of my friends that has a GC, but that's because they don't. Personally I disagree they get it to be hip. Most of the Wii's games are only fun with friends. Mario Party 8 SP is boring after like 5 turns, however with 3 friends and me it's a great game. I think that's why people are always inviting friends to play the Wii.SkyCastleDan

Just throwing this out there to quickly defend my position against a good response, but if the games were only fun multiplayer, you'd think word of mouth would spread by now and sales would actually slow right? If more people found out the games are only good for multiplayer purposes, than they'd just go to their friend's house to play them. But instead, the system keeps selling. I think it's more of a situation where "well my friend has one and everybody goes to his house, so if I buy one they'd all come to mine!"

That may be the case, also I don't think casuals really notice game's flaws as much as a hardcore gamer. I can see how someone would try to be in the in-crowd by getting a Wii. It's cheap and popular.

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#11 HarlockJC
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A number of the people I work with own a 360 and think it funny that I would like the Wii so much...But they never have played it...At work "not around friends" I am a lone wolf and get laughted at all the time in fun thought. So for at least me your wrong.
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#12 CJL13
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[QUOTE="Nex_Ownage"]Status Symbol? The $250 console? :? SkyCastleDan

Cheap, yes. But difficult to get your hands on. I mean, that's what Sheep brag about the most right? You can't find the thing anywhere but PS3s are fully in stock all over the place.

I think people will like you if you have a PS3 and they don't, but it is much harder to get in the in-crowd by paying $600 rather than $250.

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#13 Blessing77
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i don't know how long the wii can last with crappy games, now major sheep don't get mad, the wii has some cool games but there is nothing new, yes bwii,ssbb,smg,and metroid will be awesome but you can only have so many mario and you need more rpgs and fps games. I love the wii but i'm getting bored and tired of it i need something new. i don't think the wii is bought for the look and status maybe in some losers but i think people buy it cause it looks and can be fun.

srry for so much text

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#14 goblaa
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So in other words, "Wii is a fad."

Yep, heard that one before.

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#15 SkyCastleDan
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts

So in other words, "Wii is a fad."

Yep, heard that one before.


While not as obvious, this may be considered an explaination for such a belief I suppose. I honestly wouldn't be totally shocked if this thing survived the entire console war this gen. Why not?

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#16 leadernator
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agree 100%

i got a Wii last month with smooth moves and of course WiiSports.

There's so much to unlock in Smooth Moves... but i only played it long enough to unlock multiplayer. i really don't have the urge to do anymore, nor to play the game with the nunchuck attatchment.

I really loved the 'can shooting' minigame in Smoothmoves though. the whole light-gun feel was pretty fun.

Wii sports was fun too. I just wish Tennis can sense which direction i'm running, or Boxing to be a bit more responsive and accurate.

These games are fun, but the problem is they don't last. I probably had just as much fun with a downloadable demo of Motorstorm (i don't mean to offend anyone, just simply how i felt).

That's what i liked about every generation of videogames. you get the WOW factor, with amazing visuals + amazing gameplay. they BOTH complement each other. I'd probably regret saying this, but i probably won't get the WOW factor at all playing Wii, since i've seen everything last gen. they just control differently.

Gameplay is mostimportant for sure, but what's so wrong about having amazing visuals to go with it?

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#17 Taz720
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Wii sucks and is killing real gaming


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#18 freediro
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Wii sucks and is killing real gaming



so true! the Wii is a fad right now! and soon, everyone who bought oen just to buy one so they could ahve the Wii and say they have it are, saying wtf! no longer buying games or playing it and soon it will only be the hardcore Nintendo fans supporting the Wii, because people will want to move towards the HD and much more powerful systems liek 360 and PS3.

i call it right now the Wii is coming in last place and might actually pull another gamecube!

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#19 SkyCastleDan
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts

Wii sucks and is killing real gaming



such claims of random stupidity with no explaination are not welcome in this thread. Take your blind fanboy soul to another thread and post random bursts of immaturity there.

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#20 SkyCastleDan
Member since 2006 • 2015 Posts

Wii sucks and is killing real gaming



such claims of random stupidity with no explaination are not welcome in this thread. Take your blind fanboy soul to another thread and post random bursts of immaturity there.

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#21 Taz720
Member since 2006 • 826 Posts

Wii sucks and is killing real gaming



such claims of random stupidity with no explaination are not welcome in this thread. Take your blind fanboy soul to another thread and post random bursts of immaturity there.

No more TES sorry, nobody wants to play those games anymore...
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#22 creativeminded
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Sorry "Metal Slime" but your actually pretty off the mark but i can understand where you came up with that cos of ya buddies. I personally couldn't care less and from my friends i'm actually the only one who has a Wii. Ye we have fun playing it together when they come round but i bought the Wii cos it sounded fun so i can play alone...and i was right! Was playing Godfather just before and words can't describe how good it feels to throw someone through a shop window after having beat them senslessly with motion controls :D
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#23 Caviglia
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Are status symbols not usually associated with the most expensive, the most advanced and the products are that are only accessible to a select few? It is hardly a symbol of status if millions of the population own one, it would be like saying a Ford Fiesta (or equivalent, cheap car) is more of a status symbol than a Ferrari.

May I also add that I am becoming quite disheartened with the lack of offline multiplayer games recently, in that sense if these 'Wii Parties' and other social gatherings centered around Wii are true then that is a good thing. Most of my 360 games are online multiplayer only, which is a shame.

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#24 m_machine024
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I hate single-player games. That's why I love Mario Party ^^Eponique
And you have Zelda?
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#25 rikkustrife
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None of my friends play video games, not the ones that live near me anyway, so if I bought a wii, I owuld have no one else to play it with anyway. I may buy it when there are more single player games. Warioware does look like it would be fun with other people though.
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#26 comp_atkins  Online
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dude... if what you're saying is actually happening on a large scale.. then that is actually a BIG deal. if nintendo created something that makes people want to get together more to play and to socialize thats pretty significant. speakingo for myself, i dont have many friends who i could say "lets get together and go play some ps3".. many of my friends just dont care ( more casual ) but if those same friends would want to come by to play a wii, casual or not, thats worth taking notice.

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#27 metroidfood
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Wii wasn't a status symbol at launch, and it sold like crazy. Despite it being harder to get, far more people own one than a PS3 or the like, hardly making it a status symbol.

I believe Wii's success is from its appeal to everyone, not just the same fanbase game companies have targeted for years.

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#28 Jud0ka
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Nice replies and thoughts on the Wii. The wii is a good system with innovation truely in the mind of nintendo. The problem is that Wii is for the majority a "Party" console. I believe that this is Nintendo marketing's fault. It was shown with 2-4 people on most multiplayer games. They emphazined the motion of the controller in the presence of others on commericals. I think I have an idea as to nintendo's plan with the console.

Given the graphics and such with the wii I believe it will only have a 2-3 year life cycle. Since the system is pretty much a smaller turbo-speed gamecube. The system to me is a test run of the new controller technology. As long as it took to design the system you would believe that is the reason for the long development because, it wasn't for the hardware. I think that nintendo is working on a HD version that has much greater graphics capacity than the wii. I also believe that the system will use the same controller. We all know how nintendo loves to update sytems every few years. Why would they not try this for a 250 dollar console? Then charge the same for a more powerful console when the Hardware becomes cheaper.