Simply the best superhero game ever made. Do not forget to download meshes as they garantee more fun to your adventures.

User Rating: 9.2 | Freedom Force PC
Simply the best superhero game ever made. Do not forget to download meshes as they garantee more fun to your adventures. The story is also very funny, althought the game is simple. To became a perfect game they just have to improve graphics and add more powers as well as the possibility of creating your own superhero without using meshes created in the internet. i hope they make a new one with all these improvements. i also suggest players to search for skins and meshes in the internet ( i have one dvd with losts of them) and play the game one, two or three times with different heroes. it makes the games more additive and garantee the possibility of recreating your favorite superhero in Freedom Force.
In my list it is top 10!!!