i think that no one has ever made an xbox 360 game that sucks more than front mission evolved.

User Rating: 3 | Front Mission Evolved X360
when i saw the game the first time i thought with big robots, it has to be a good game. disappointed! the graphics sucks. it looks like a PS2 game. the mini map is pointless. there is no physics. when you destroy a car, it just disappers. and the gameplay is really simple. kill,kill,kill! i played it on normal and it just was toooooooooo easy. and when you try to move faster, it runs out of juice after 5 feet. the first boss battle is rubbish.i played the game for lets say about 7-8 hours. i think f you looked at a wall for hat time it would have been more exciting. honestly , the graphics, the joy and the fun of call of duty 3 or any game from a 100 years ago is better than his. my advice to you: DO NOT waste your money on such a game like this. just wait for games like black ops or something. it's worth it.
xbox live gamertag: good hamoon nationality: iranian
this game sucks!