Futurama is without doubt the most annoying, and is too hard for kids. The only good thing is the humor.

User Rating: 3.5 | Futurama PS2
It starts off in Planet Express as Prof Farnsworth tells his crew that he has sold the delivery company to mom. They then find out that mom has now ownership of more than fifty percent of Earth, allowing her to become the supreme ruler of Earth. Soon after this, she enslaves humanity.

the start of the game is okay, it starts off easy and gives you a tour of planet express. After this...... it gets hard. The next level is the sewers and you are forced to battle mutants to get to the pawn shop to get back your ships engine or some crap. The mutants take forever to kill and to make matters worse you given platforms to jump on top on, this wouldn't be a problem if they were a bit bigger or if Fry didn't slide all over the damn place. it took me an hour to beat, mainly the platforms that got to me because they are often crocodiles and they move too fast. You then play the abandoned city of old new york and you are forced to battle some sort of plumber mutants and pigs strapped with dynomite, this is also hard. There are no platforms in the rest of Frys missions (thank god) but it is still difficult since that every enemy can kill you in a manner of seconds.
Benders is a bit easier but still hard, you don't get any guns or weapons, instead you kill enemy's by spinning or punching.
Leela's (oh god!) is the hardest of them all, the boss fight at the end is too hard and every enemy kills you in seconds also.
You then get to play as zoidberg after Leela, but this is damn near impossible to beat, you are forced to ride an animal all the way to the other side of the jungle to turn on the time machine to stop mom. you are given so much obstacles and it took me two hours to beat.

This game sucks, the cutscenes are funny but the rest is garbage.