FINALLY, a Ghostbusters game...and you CAN'T even play as one of your favorite boys in grey

User Rating: 6 | Ghostbusters: The Video Game X360
I'm not counting XBL multiplayer here, just the 6 or so hours of local gameplay. Those 6 or so hours are all this game offers. First of all, you cant even play as any of the 4 Ghostbusters. No playing as Venkman, Stantz, Spengler or Zeddemore. The "rookie" is one of the biggest downfalls here. Something that had should have been customizable or been someone like Oscar. It takes away from the main ask imo. You never should have been able to have seen the face. There should have been chapters divided into which of the 4 main boys you could play as. There are no extra missions or local challenge maps to capture and trap Ghosts (how could they leave such content out of a game like this???? This type of game demanded such content), the play & outcome of the story will be the same for every playthrough and you cant even carry over all your upgrades and unlockables to a new game. Career mode, that is it.

As a big fan of GB myself, I purchased this with SO much excitement, after years of anticipation for a good GB game, but it just didn't measure up and has horrendous replay value. There was so much potential for this game to truly be awesome but unfortunately it fell a little short. And little things like no mention of why a main supporting character like Dana and Oscar are missing, is unfortunate for story & continuity purposes.

It is well worth a rental though, fun to play on the first playthrough. Geat fun if you just like to hear the music and blast your streams away. Yes, for a "movie" game, its pretty good. It has an overall good story and is fun...but I am not going to give it a high score just because other movie tie-ins were mostly bad. There just isn't much incentive to pop this disc back into your system often and it lacks so much content that should have been there to begin with, that and the fact you can not play as any of your 4 favorite boys in grey is why I gave this game the score I did. There will also be no DLC for this game. If you still want to purchase this game being a big fan of the franchise, I say go for it since you can find this extremely cheap now. Not worth full price compared to what else you can get out there, jam packed with content. It's still better than Sanctum of Slime, however....