User Rating: 8.5 | God of War II PS2
God of war 2 was my first third person action slasher heard a lot about the first one but didn't had my ps2 then but got sequel and oh my i was blown away with the opening stage & the battle with that giant statue from then on i stuck with it till i finished the whole game.
game play isn't any typical third person action but relies on button mashing combos with QTE's in the mix.i wont go into plot spoilers for newbies who haven't played GOW before.visuals are spectacular for its age on PS2 it released at the end of the Great PLAYSTATION 2 era which undeniably surpassed any game released along side it but perhaps now its also on PS3 HD collection with first which further refines the graphics.overall a good game with gruesome gameplay worth has been a great ride to the end loved every moment of it alas from the cliffhanger ending otherwise best in its genre.