Surprisingly good

User Rating: 9 | Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising PC
This is my 1st review. I took a chance on this game. I've been bored with most MMO's out there and decided to give this a chance. I've played WOW and still think WOW is one of the best games ever made... just sick of playing it. Tried Rift and was bored with it within the 1st couple of weeks.

This game has promise. The graphics are older but still look good... and have the ability to look better with future patches. The game play is standard MMO style which I like. The animations are pretty cool. There are a few different ones for each skill which is cool. The animations still are a little off from time to time but once again it shows promise.

As of now there are only 4 classes but 2 more will be added. No PVP as of yet but that will also be added as with crafting.

The game does have its fair share of bugs but so do most new MMO's... well besides Rift.. that was pretty smooth launch. But the game was boring.

If you are looking for something new give this a try. The Dev team takes ALL feedback VERY seriously and they seem to address issues VERY quick. This is only my early impressions of the game but so far it has been fun.