The definitive Nintendo RPG

User Rating: 9 | Golden Sun: Dark Dawn DS
Golden Sun Dark Dawn is a pretty phenomenal RPG for the Nintendo DS. Rather than being essentially an RPG that starts off immediately after its previous entry, it decides to do something unlike other RPGs and have us play as the offspring of the Warriors of Vale from the first game to explore the world after the rise of the Golden Sun.

The game once again allows for eight characters, all of which are related to the previous warriors in some way. This time there are more than 72 Djinn available (the elemental creatures that can bestow difference skills and abilities), there are new psynergy skills (possibly close to a hundred with many that can be used on the field to solve puzzles and dungeons, mind read, and teleport).

The game lasted me about 40 hours, which involved me being able to get all of the Djinn, all of the summons available to get before the ending of the story, and to complete the story and defeat the final boss. It does open up later after beating the final boss to get the remaining summons and rare weapons and to face the strongest boss of the game which will be a challenge in and of itself.

The Dark Dawn is the typical turn based RPG, with the Djinn being able to be summoned and kept in reserve to enable the player to unleash powerful summons, weapons themselves can unleashed multiple skills, making it a pleasure to resort to using psynergy and weapons, and the djinn can be shuffled around to change the classes of characters to reveal more psynergy to use during battles. I also enjoyed how changes to the characters weapons also appeared to affect their character models in the battle area.

Dark Dawn looks amazing and all of the locales are lush and lively. Nonplayable characters had interesting conversations and moved about on the land. The various regional designs of buildings was a nice thing to see. Ultimately, it felt like I was actually exploring the world and it felt immersive.

I really had no cons with the game apart from the game left me wanting more because I had so many unanswered questions at the end, but all in all, this is one of the definitive RPGs available from Nintendo and should be played by all whether or not they played the previous entries