Love the game. Awesome multiplayer!

User Rating: 9.5 | GoldenEye 007 WII
I loved this game I first shot my first bullet. The multiplayer is good and there many options and modifiers. Best multiplayer for the wii! As skillful as the story is told, it's really the gameplay that's king in GoldenEye 007. Once again, the GoldenEye experience has been changed, this time with the upgrade in action – other than being a first-person shooter, this game bears little resemblance to the Nintendo 64 design. It's pretty clear that Eurocom looked at the current generation for inspiration, namely the Call of Duty and Halo franchises, so GoldenEye has been updated to appeal to today's gamer than those latched onto dated decade-and-a-half game play. That said, honestly, the game has some of the best Wii Remote controller support seen in a first-person shooter, and with practice it's clear that the quick and direct aiming of the Wii pointer is the true way to play this game. The Remote support is second only to The Conduit's crazy OCD level of customization, but in GoldenEye you have full input on pointer sensitivity, rotation speed, invert look, and other options, and everything you adjust is saved and applied to individual profiles that you can utilize in multiplayer.