What??? Way overrated guys!

User Rating: 3 | Gone Home PC
This is my first review...and just for info I am fun of adventure games..
Oh my such an overrated game 9.5???? Please tell us why u liked it so much???

U guys r u serious?? I played the game, finished it in less than an hour.

OK game=9.5??? I am wondering...
The longest journey has a rating of 9.3...That is really unfair and it is misleading my friends.

BE FAIR PLEASE - There are people working hard out there

Things ok:
90's environment.
Story=Seen it before
Voice acting=Nice try

Is this game better than these:
Grim Fandango, Syberia,The Curse of Monkey Island, Full Throttle and others...

And honestly if it was rated 6 or even 8 it would have made more success....

This is an overrated review (always my humble opinion)

Adventure friends try it and see for yr selves!