Play this game on a rainy night with the lights out, it is all about atmosphere.

User Rating: 9.5 | Gone Home PC
Gone Home is really quite unique, and you must be in the right mood to play it. I was waiting for an album to come out onto itunes at midnight so I was checking Gamespot, then I saw a game had gottan 9.5 so I had to check it out. I started around 10 and finished around 12 and it was the perfect length for this kind of game. It was raining outside and it was night time, the same setting of the game. There was something about being able to heard the rain outside and in the game that really immersed me in the game, and the amount of detail in the game they put in to make you feel like it is really a families house is amazing.

Most of what you do in the game is find audio logs left by your sister that tell the story of what happened in her life on the year you were gone. The story of your parents relationship is told through items from in the game, like letters and other objects. This is a game for people who really enjoy story in a game, so if you think "if I want a good story I will read a book!" then this game is not for you.

So if you like a good story out of a game and don't mind paying $20 for a 2-3 hour game then GET THIS GAME.