Political agenda sneaks into a walking simulator

User Rating: 3 | Gone Home PC

When I played Gone Home, little was known about it. When you look for what the games about, you don't find much information except reviews telling you how great it is. So I give it a try not really knowing what genre this game falls into. It starts out mysterious and creepy. So, I'm thinking it's a horror survival game, maybe? A who-dun-it? Well, it's really neither of those. It can be best described as a simulator of a person walking around in a house. That's the gist of it. Yes. It's a beautiful house. Very detailed. You can pick up pencils, open drawers, turn lights off and on. But as far as game play goes, that's all you get.

Your goal is to find clues to open other parts of the house and progress a narrative. The grand narrative? It's your younger sister. You listen to pieces of her journal as she comes to realize that she's gay and in the climactic end she decides to run away from home with her punk rock girl friend.

So, what it comes down to is the game is liberal media promoting gay rights. The same stuff bleeding into every newcast and tv show. If you're pro-homo, you may like this game and give it high praise. If you're no-homo, you're going to come away from this game with a bad taste in your mouth. (no pun intended)