And they said the Rembrandts were the next Rolling Stones

User Rating: 4 | Gone Home PC

I'll be there for You.... you remember the cloying if not ultra catchy song that was the Friends theme song? You do if you were between the ages of 5-45 in 1995. Did you ever for a second think that songs was anything but a one hit wonder? I didn't but this game kinda expects you to think they became the Rolling Stones.. or the Beatles, The Eagle, U2 or any other true rock icons based on the great reviews I read about this game, but what game did they play? I played a very dull clichéd game that I needed to liven up by making up story lines as I went just to keep my eyes open. I can tell too much about the story with out spoiling it for you.... not that there is much to spoil but I can say this... I don't know about the rest of you but by 1995 I did not have cassettes anymore... everything was being transferred or was getting transferred to CD format, 1985... then I am all over the running theme of the cassette tape in this game. Or how bout the fact that all of the 'events' that occur MONTHS prior to the actual gameplay are still front and center in the game.... notable example? A cushion fort built by the main character some 9 months prior to the game time and yet there it is RIGHT in the middle of the living room. This thankfully only wasted a few hours of my life and only cost me a few bucks but DO NOT BUY THIS FOR EVEN $5, it simply isn't worth it.