el oh el man...

User Rating: 6 | Gone Home PC

Needless to say, your dollar will go alot further with most games than Gone Home. I mean this is a 1 hour, probably 2 hour tops of a game. No offense to the Gone Home devs but I don't think anyone is going around inspecting toothbrushes and cups after the short discourse that is Gone Home. I mean no kidding I would be pissed if I paid $20 for this but I didn't (I only paid $5 and still feel a little ripped).

However, what is done in Gone Home is done well. It tells an interesting story through objects and notes left throughout a house. No guns, explosions, or race cars here though boys. Just some good old fashioned 90's nostalgia couped with a love story. It may be short but at least it's no bullshit.

And that's all I got. Play it when it's free or for a few bucks when it's on sale is my advice.