A well-balanced team shooter. Seems ridiculous at first, but it grows on you fast. Although best in small quantities.

User Rating: 7.5 | Gotham City Impostors PC
This game is surprisingly good, even though it shouldn't be. For one thing, its very well balanced, a bit like TF2. They do a great job with the unlocks and progression. Instead of certain weapons unlocking at certain ranks, you get keys to unlock what you want out of all available weapons and gear. There aren't strict classes, you customize your loadout completely. It is a great game to play for 30-60 min at a time. I've found too, that unlike most competitive shooters these days, I was able to hold my own more or less at level 1, although the snipers can be deadly.

There are only 3 game modes (Deathmatch, Base Capture, and Capture the Flag), and only a handful of maps, I bet more come as DLC. One shameful thing is the DLC that unlocks all the costumes. Totally defeats any showing off of hard to earn costumes.

All in all though, its well paced, well balanced, shoot em up fun, with lots of customization and tactics. A lot of the modern shooters could learn something from this game