Terrible graphics. Omline only DRM. Micro-transactions. Sony!

User Rating: 1 | Gran Turismo 7 PS5

This is a horrible game. The graphics remind me of a PlayStation 3 game and are hardly reminiscent of a modern AAA PlayStation 5 game. Take a look at the graphics at Forza Horizon 5 as compared to this but GT7 looks like it's a couple Generations old. On top of that it has online-only DRM which means you cannot play if you don't have an internet connection. If the servers are down, which they were for 30 hours the other day, you cannot play the game at all, even in single player only mode. The first time I tried playing I got kicked out of the server after 20 minutes. The second time I tried playing I couldn't get in for a day and a half because the servers were down for 30 hours so they could decrease the in-game rewards to milk micro transactions. On top of that they've added microtransactions that require real money in order to purchase cars that can cost as much as $40 to buy a single car on top of the $70 for the game! Or you can grind It Out by playing literally dozens upon dozens of hours to buy one car which takes all the fun out of the enjoyment of being in a fantasy. Early review copies did not have micro-transactions, hence the high critic praise. This is a horrible game with microtransactions, horrible Online requirements for copy protection, and outdated Graphics are not worthy of a AAA title. I picked up a scalped PlayStation 5 for this game and boy am I disappointed. Avoid at all costs. Buy Foriza Horizon 5 on PC instead, it’s a much better game! Contacted Sony and asked for a refund. They put me on with a supervisor who refused. I told him that the game is unplayable because I got kicked out the first time after 20 minutes and could not connect to 30 hours. Play told me that because I downloaded the game I could not refund it. How was I supposed to know the game didn't work unless I download it? When I said I would do a chargeback if I did not get resolution you told me they would then disable all of my PlayStation games in my account that I already purchased until I paid my balance! Avoid Sony and this game at all costs.