Not As Great As They Say

User Rating: 5 | Grand Theft Auto III XBOX

GTA III, a game that was critically acclaimed and beloved by many gamers across the world, well it's 2014 and to be honest it's not near as rich nor as memorable as it was when it was first released. The years have been cruel to GTA III, and honestly I for one think that had it been anything special to begin with, it wouldn't have aged so poorly. I mean let's face it, look at 1998s Ocarina of Time, now that's a game that still packs quite a punch, and even when compared to open world games of today it still holds its ground, and a part of what makes that game so great and hold up so well today is because it's got depth and meaning, GTA III is, let's face it, shallow. So maybe it truly was a masterpiece when it first came out, and then again maybe it wasn't. Either way it really doesn't matter. All that matters really is that, for being only 13 years old GTA III has pretty much lost every ounce of its charm. That's not a good thing, especially when compared to the likes of 1987s The Legend of Zelda, or 1996s Super Mario 64, or again, 1998s Ocarina of Time.

Overall, GTA III is nothing great of a game, sure it was something to marvel at back when it was first released on a technical aspect anyway, but when compared to the other games I mentioned here it just does not hold its ground like they have.

Verdict: 5/10