The most detailed open world game.

User Rating: 8 | Grand Theft Auto V PS3

GTA 5 is one of the best open world games out there. Rivaled by only the new Assassin's Creed games. The voice acting and storyline is well written, and pretty hilarious. This is the first time the series offers 3 protagonists to choose from which really adds diversity to the plot and gameplay. However, things do get repetitive half way through. Missions eventually felt like a chore to complete. The tasks I needed to perform felt too similar. Chase car, kill guy. Go to some place, shoot out. The only thing hooking me in was the story. I wanted to see how it all ended. The heat between the characters also made things a bit spicy. The side missions were abundant, but I focused on the main story, since I couldn't handle anymore repetition. I played on the PS3, which means the shooting was absolutely garbage. I had to resort to snap ADS, which did the job, but didn't take any skill. Driving felt great. The amount of weapons were nice. AI was kinda stupid, but I ain't gonna complain when aiming with a controller.