LMAO!!this game is great!and to think a game this funny evolved into a best selling game...its awesome.many congrats....

User Rating: 9.8 | G.T.A: Grand Theft Auto (Pokkiri 1400 Series) PS
This game is frickin awesome.its fun and easy to pick up!!the cars,music,guns,and missions are really fun!!!not to mention that the sandbox is fun to dig around in!

THING i love most about this game:the cars that have the messages on them


*u get in a parked car*
*ur pager beeps and types this message:
"Congratulations,u have won yourself a free trip to hell!!the doors wont budge,and u have 20 seconds to live...make it last jerk!"

LMAO!!!XD such fun!!!

the cars are cool too!not to mention the bikes are super fun!!ramping off stuff!they extra speedy vut they suck if u crash big time.

the violence in the game is funny.lighting ppl on fire is the funniest!!XD

the missions are extra fun too!!challenging enough to make u wanna do it again if u blow it the first time

this game is Super Fun and if u havent played it yet...DO IT!!no matter how old it is!!its a fun Classic!