One of the best road racers around.

User Rating: 9 | GRID PS3
Grid is a road racing game from Codemasters in which you take on the role of an up and coming racing driver. Grid does a lot of things right and only has a few let downs but despite its flaws it manages to stand out from the crowd.

Grid's graphics are superb and look stunning. Car models look very well done with loads of detail to them both on the outside and on the inside. However the cars damage models may leave something to be desired in them as most of the body damage does not look very detailed and comes off as a bit rough and could have used a bit more work to them. On the plus side Grids locations look fantastic as there's a lot of attention to detail to them and it shows wonderfully. The character models look rough when players get up close and personal with them but you'll be too focused on the race at hand to notice them that much. This level of detail really shows what a road racing game can and should look like.

Grids gameplay is very well done but not without a hiccup or two. Cars all handle very well and while each car can take some getting used to at first it doesn't get boring. Despite the lack of visible car damage you will notice when your car takes too many hits as things like the tires, engine, steering, etc... All of those things will affect how your car drives and handles depending on which part becomes damaged. This system works very well in that you can to be aggressive but if you become overly aggressive you may find yourself at the back of the pack in a hurry. Another nice interesting feature is that you can drive your car of choice from behind the wheel which really helps add to the immersion factor. You can even change the paint job for your team at any point in career mode. However despite all of the plusses there is one main downside and that lies in the difficulty. As you progress through the career mode your opponents get tougher and tougher to the point in which even on easy mode they're pain to beat. This can become frustrating and is the main problem with Grid. On a slightly different not you can't modify your cars with NOS or custom parts at all forcing you to deal with the configuration of the car from the get go.

Grid's audio is superb and is a real treat. Cars sound believable and all the voice actor sound like they took the time to get it right to the point in which they can address you by name thanks to the thousands of names that they've recorded for. This is a very nice plus as it further enhances that sense of immersion.

Overall Grid is a fantastic racing game that is both fun to play and looks stunning.