the stylish yes but when it comes to driveing and bumping in to every know object and or crushing may seem broken.

User Rating: 3 | GRID PS3
we have played tons upon tons of racing games and yet they suck,the only good one is dirts so you already know where im going with this game,it doesnt have a story you just go all around the world drifting and i think they all ready came out with something like that maybe (need for speed carbon) anyway there are tons of very interesting levels that are just like dirt but that is if you can get pssed them,the games diffculty in this game is so unfair that if you bump in to one thing you will have to start the entire race all over again and that really is frustrating to see a stylish game like this become a pain in the neck which i would have have no reason to buy this game if you dont know how to drive because its just plain stupid as much as anything else in the game the diffculty ruins everything in this game because most of the game is based on the races so no one beats the races no one wins simple as that,so dont think about getting it because youll just be bracking and or screaming to the top of your lungs saying how stupid and unfair this game is.