Guitar Hero: Aerosmith is an abortion, as far as games go. Too short and difficult to actually be worth sixty bucks...

User Rating: 2.5 | Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (Bundle) X360
Around my Northwest Indiana home, we have some stores called "Meijers". Like a Wal-Mart, pretty much, but with another name. They were selling copies of this (bundles with the guitar, mind you) for $40. I wanted some easy achievements and a spare Les Paul guitar, so I picked it up. What was this originally? Likeā€¦$120? I feel really terribly bad for anyone stupid enough to have bought this full price. I mean, even an Aerosmith fan would probably hate this game.

For starters, the game only has forty-some songs. As apposed to sixty-eighty like its current counterparts have. This combined with the lack of any DLC means that after playing every song maybe twice, you'll put this game on the shelf forever.

Aerosmith is an okay band. Average by my standards. So they definitely, DEFINITELY didn't deserve their own gig. I mean out of all of the classic rock bands with Hall Of Fame status, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, they did an Aerosmith game? This kinda screams "MONIES PLZ GH FANZ AND SCOR HEROZ." The Beatles actually have the fans, history, influence, and catalog to deserve a game in their honor. Which is why Harmonix is doing it.

The charts are terrible. I've beaten Guitar Hero II and III on Hard and Rock Band 1 and 2 on Expert. So I think I can safely say that it was the uncomfortable to play, tough for no reason charts of this game that caused my left hand to start hurting. Not lack of experience, not over playing (this game isn't even long enough for that to effect me-I've done RB1's Endless Setlist). Compare Train Kept A 'Rollin' on Rock Band and this game. Where did those GB,YB,GB,YB patterns come from? How about the random hammer-ons and pull-offs thrown in? Oh, and silent guitar tracks. I love almost failing a song I can't actually hear myself playing.

The graphics are pretty ugly, then again, so are Stephen Tyler and Joe Perry, so you really can't complain about that.

The only reason to play this is for achievements. And anything more than what I paid is a rip-off. Even if you are a mega-fan of Aerosmith. Hopefully the announced Metallica Guitar Hero and rumored Jimi Hendrix Guitar Hero will kick this game in the pants. This game is just a representation of how greedy Neversoft and Activision have become in their new five Guitar Hero a year plan. Two and a half out of ten. This game kinda makes me want to just shove a copy in Tyler's giant mouth.