One of the best value packs around especially if you never got to experience the awesomeness that is Guitar Hero!

User Rating: 8.5 | Guitar Hero & Guitar Hero II Dual Pack PS2
After buying the PS2 version of Guitar Hero 3 after hearing the numerous problems users had been having with the PS3 version and that it couldn't play the first 2 games, so I bought it.

After completing the game on easy and medium (still working on Hard) i wanted more, so what better opportunity than getting both the games that rocked and rolled there way into gamers hearts everywhere. For the little bit steeper price than even a PS3 game, it came in a 72 bucks. For everything that you get with it i thought it was a pretty good deal. You get both Guitar Hero 1 and Guitar Hero 2 in one case, with just one of those little disc trays in it holding one of the 2 games.

The soundtracks on each game are stellar i mean its guitar hero its not like they're gonna have a bunch of crappy songs on it. while i did notice that the sound quality didn't seem quite as clear as GH 3, which is barely noticeable but i thought it was still worth mentioning.

As far as gameplay goes, well its the exact same uber addictive guitar hero, which isn't a bad thing.
Graphically it looks as good as 3 but its not really anything special in terms of what we've seen on PS2. The only thing that really matters is that the fret board is crystal clear, which it is. The game looks noticeably better in progressive scan mode with wide screen enabled as expected.

If you haven't played a Guitar Hero game yet or just picked up 3 without playing the first two you really should get this game.
Unless you can't afford a guitar or two with it, because playing with a controller is really lame.