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User Rating: 8.5 | Guitar Hero: Metallica WII
thank you for choosing to read my review! i appreciate it very much!

well, i should start off by saying THIS GAME IS TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!! this game is an 100% improvement from that guitar hero world tour. well, i was gonna wait until gamestop lowers the price of this game. but, to screw that up, my friends came knocking at my door at 7:00 in the morning on march 29th. i answered the door, and my two friends were there. they were all like "OMG!!! GUITAR HERO METALLICA COMES OUT TODAY!!!! ARE YOU GONNA GET IT?!?!" and i said "if i say yes, will you go away?" and they're all like "ARE YOU GONNA GET IT OR NOT?!?!?!?!?!" and i slammed the door on them and walked away. then, at 11:00 in the morning, i went down to gamestop and my friends were there. they were all like "I KNEW YOU WOULD GET IT!!!!!" and just to get them to shut up, i got this game.

i thought it would be better. but, it's fine the way it is. this game has all the songs i love from my favoritest band in the world. and here's all the improvements from gh world tour: better graphics, this game actually reads it when you strum on the guitar, this game has a plot (gh world tour does not have a plot), way better songs, you don't have to complete songs in career mode to unlock them in quickplay and more stuff was added to the create a rockstar mode!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!! i went through the whole game to find out every single little detail i can find out about this game. and i found some really cool extras. you get them after you complete a song. the extras include all this cool information about the song, such as the lyrics to the songs. nice additions, huh? but, that's just the beginning of it. there are several guest act songs in this game. like, it's not just metallica songs. it includes songs from Slayer, Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Group, Lenard Skynard, Foo Fighters and a few other bands.

oh! i didn't even mention the plot yet! well, the plot is like, these people see metallica live, and they decide to make their own band. then when your band is all famous and stuff, the people in metallica see your band live, and they let you go on tour with them. the singer of metallica signs a contract, and does something against the contract later. the person that showed the metallica singer the contract got all mad at him. then, the metallica singer shows a picture to the dude with the contract. the picture was a picture of the metallica singer signing the contract WITH HIS FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!! then, a huge crack appears in the ground, and a bunch of tentacles come out of the crack, grab the dude with the contract, and drag him down to hell. then, the metallica people continue their tour with you. then, during one of metallica's concerts, the stage drops below the ground into an ice cave, and they got trapped in there, and had to escape using the power of HEAVY METAL!!!!!!!!

seriously, that's the plot. i'm not kidding. terrible, right? even my stupid little brother can think of a better plot than that.

MOVIN' ON!!!!!! the controls are just perfect... in single player mode, that is. in multiplayer mode there is this terrible lag that continues throughout the whole time you go multiplayer. the lag can't be fixed no matter how many times you try to calibrate the lag. if it wasn't for my cousin, this wouldn't be in the review right now. anyway, the controls are the same in every guitar hero game. and here's something i found out. remember in my guitar hero world tour review i said that the gh world tour guitar was unresponsive? well, i found out that it's actually fine! it's just that ghwt doesn't read the strums on the guitars that good. whatever. the controls are responsive and the same in every guitar hero game.

the graphics look so real. omg, i just can't believe that the graphics in this game are equal to the graphics of the xbox 360 version of this game. and this game is on a wii, the system known for having games with crappy, unrealistic graphics. and whoever designed the outfits for the people in this game must be kicked in the face. like, most of the people in this game look like idiots the way they're dressed. for example, the bass player in metallica for this game is wearing the weirdest clothes ever. like, he wears a black basketball jersey, those weird long shorts, and last, but the weirdest, HIS HAIR IS BRAIDED!!!!!! like, they took the hottest guy ever and made him look like a weirdo! and the weird stuff the people do on stage make them look like they're either drunk or high on crack. meh, who even pays attention to the stuff in the background when you're supposed to watch the notes coming down the fret board thingamajig?

the recording studio is much better in this game than in ghwt. it's alot less confusing in this game. but in ghwt, it's madd confusing.

well, i don't have anything more to say about this game. so, IF YOU LOVE METALLICA (like i do), BUY THIS GAME RIGHT NOW!!!! if you hate metallica, STAY AWAY FROM THIS GAME AT ALL COSTS!!!!! if you love metallica, and have a brother, sister, or other person in your family who hates metallica, and you LOVE to annoy them by playing metallica songs (like me!), THEN GET THIS GAME ASAP!!!!!!


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