ouch my wrist...

User Rating: 4 | Guitar Hero: On Tour DS
We'll start right off with the obvious the "controller" lets face it they could have come up with a less hand crippling controller. I've played less then 10 hours and I only could do 2-3 songs at a time due to the pain of playing the game even at easy holding the controller with the DS and trying to keep your wrist straight was uncomfortable, I have big hands so this game didn't work out to well for me...

The songs where well pick for the DS picked the best of GH in my opinion, Graphics where decent enough, Lets talk about the sound/music. I found the music was crisp and clear and even my buddies in the office heard it too which they where well surprised by the size of the DS speakers.

The only thing is was controller it ruined my GH experience, I wouldn't recommend this to people with big hands. However if you have smaller "Girl" like hands then you'd most likely enjoy this game. It's good on the go and the music was and is quite pleasing to the ear