Take everything you loved from Guitar Hero-Guitar Hero III and watch it get ruined before your eyes.

User Rating: 1 | Guitar Hero: Smash Hits X360
Simply put, this game is broken. Had they done this properly, they would have simply copied the guitar parts directly over from the original games and the bass parts if they were available and used the same recordings. However, Activision/Neversoft/the other 30 producers decided to redo every song and take the songs you loved and remembered how to play on Expert and switched the chord progression, solos, etc. into a nightmare that is nothing like the original games. Monkey Wrench goes from dropping fingers starting with blue-orange chords all the way down to a wtf? green-orange and then subsequently dropping your pinky. While it is quite nice to have all songs unlocked in quickplay, it's just not worth the frustration in my opinion. Call me lazy, but I want to be able to walk into the game and play a song on Expert without having to re-learn how it goes. Why the tap board is on the controller, I have yet to figure out. In the original games one learned quickly that you had to strum perfectly, or you learned to master the art of Hammer-Ons and Pull-offs (HoPos as GH5 calls them). Check the bargain bin if the game ever drops under $20. I say that's a reasonable price to by three games you probably already owned. Or just stay tuned for the next Smash Hits when they break it into genres or add the rest of the good songs like Misirlou for example (for the record I am not a Pulp Fiction fanboy; the song is just fun to play)

Anyway, there's my brief flamer review. Go buy Guitar Hero 5 instead. It's obviously not a collection of your favorites, but you'll find some great new gems and the final gigs are the most consistent in difficulty. It was also designed for four players, and there are no restrictions on instrumentation (4 drummers, 4 guitarists, whatever floats your boat).