Half-life may have choppy graphics, but it makes up for it with addictive gameplay, and an awesome story!

User Rating: 9 | Half-Life PS2
Half-life is without a doubt one of my favorite games on ps2 (or any console for that matter) you take on the role of a scientist named gordon freeman, and run around shooting aliens! doesnt get musch better than that! the graphics are "okay" for a ps2 game, and the controls are good. The only bad part about the controls? switching guns. its not much of a problem early on, but later when you get a bunch of weapons, it gets kind of difficult to find exactly what gun you want, and it has caused several frustrating deaths.

its actually a pretty difficult game, enemies are tough, and i still havent defeated the last boss! thankfully you can "autosave" at any point in the game. So if your haveing problems in a certain area, just autosave right before it, and you can keep trying.

Another great thing about this game is the inteligent AI. in many areas, you cant just jump out and start shooting, you will die! you need to rely on strategy as well as shooting to progress through the game.

all in all it is one of the best games to ever hit the ps2, and at such a low price?? this is a given. If you havent already, BUY THIS GAME NOW!