Gameplay at its best.Immerse yourself into an old, yet always fresh Sci-Fi world and let the hero become you.

User Rating: 10 | Half-Life PC
Half Life is a groundbreaking game, and one of the best FPS games ever.The Half Life experience lives up to this day no matter how old the graphics are.This is again, the first FPS to feature a story and scripted sequences.It has changed the first person shooter genre forever, and it's also the ultimate proof that gameplay is what makes the game, not the graphics (I'm sorry if you don't agree with me).This game stills fun and fresh, no matter how many times you play it.It's not something you can get bored of and it's a must play for every shooter fan out there.
The storyline and the gameplay drags you into the game, it immerses yourself.As you advance through the game, you'll face more challenging puzzles and situations.While playing Half Life, you need to think, not just run and gun.You are the hero and the hero is like you.Gordon Freeman borrows the personality and the voice of the player and this is one of the things that make him one of the greatest video game characters of all time, if not the greatest.
The marines might be kinda over powered, but we must not forget the large number of medkits, right?
The soundtrack makes you release a pretty nice amount of adrenaline.So, overall, please make sure HL is part of your game collection! If not, go buy it! ^_^