Half-Life maybe 12 years old, but is still amazing

User Rating: 10 | Half-Life PC
Half-life maybe 12 years old, but it never gets boring!!!
It is a very addictive game, and the graphics maybe terrible for now but that does not stop me from playing it. A first Person shooter that hopefully will live forever and never get boring!!!
This game was made in 1998 and won a lot and I mean A LOT of awards. Witch is good because I have to say myself, this is amazing. If you see it online order it no matter what the price is, because it is soooo addictive and fun. And this game started Half-Life and is the best in the whole series. Its so amazing and fun and the difficulty is just right so theirs no problems with that. It is so fun and is so worth buying, that if you pirated this game your gonna regret it!!! (please note that I actually bought this game not pirate)
This game is amazing and is so fun and has a lot of things to do, you can play this for hours and still play it!!!
If you are looking for a game to make time fly, this is it.
I rate it 10/10