A great game when it actually works!

User Rating: 10 | Halo 3 X360
Pros: best campaign I've ever played on a fps (aside from flood levels), great graphics, good (slightly confusing) story, armor customization, great multiplayer (when it works), fantastic music, not very violent (little puffs of blood, punching instead of knives, etc)

Cons: turns into a zombie game half-way through the story, annoying little kids and D-bag players, multiplayer needs some serious technical TLC, sniper rifle does not belong in this game, very unrealistic gun sound, lose exp for leaving early

Some days this game is lots of fun, others have me screaming at my TV. A very large majority of players are kids because this is a very light M (rated). THERE IS SOME KIND OF PROBLEM that makes every body die at the same time and not respawn for minutes at a time only to respawn and it start again, these are the days i am yelling at my TV. I heard that it is caused because halo runs off hosts and not servers.

This is the most child friendly M (rated) game i have ever played.

The multiplayer is amazing when u have a good host other wise its a complete waste of time.