Despite a very disappointing campaign,Halo 3 still manages to deliver some of the best multi-player around.

User Rating: 8 | Halo 3 X360
So here we are,Halo 3.probably the most highly anticipated title in entertainment this year.With so much hype revolving around it,one must ask...did it live up? Well in my point of view the campaign did not...but the multi-player is amazingly gratifying.

Personally,I think the Campaign was a disaster;not to mention a major disappointment.After Halo 1's revolutionary single player,and then Halo 2's great narrative campaign,a person would expect that Halo 3 would fuse those elements from the first 2 to create something unheard of right? Well that's not the case with 'ol Halo 3.The Single-Player Campaign was cheesy,dull and boring.It didn't captivate me like Halo 2's story , or Halo 1's just felt like I was just sitting there...playing a mediocre shooting game.And that's not what I have come to expect from the Halo series.

Putting aside the cons,let's not forget the signature multi-player.
fist off i would like to say that Halo series has the most fun multi-player ever crafted in the industry...there's just no comparison,and Halo 3 is no pushover.There is so much to do in Halo 3 it'll make your mind spin...but let's start with the hot stuff.

New to Halo's multi-player arsenal this year is the
saved films feature.You can use this to go back and watch any of your past Matchmaking games,campaign missions,custom games,you name it;and you can view every player that played in that match.This is a great way to improve you skill.Wondering how that guy stuck you with a plasma? Wondering how the hell that one dude sniped you from your hiding spot? Wanna watch the time you betrayed your buddy 16 times? Now you can finally find out!

Also new to the game is the map-editor-like game mode: Forge.
Forge allows you to reshape the weapons,vehicles,flag spawns,hill locations,spawn points,etc. to wherever you see fit.

The Laydown

The Graphics: Colorful,vibrant,and wonderful detail work make this one of the best looking games out right now.

The Gameplay: Revamped Halo 2.If you're familiar with the Halo franchise,you'll feel right at home here.

The Sound: Halo is always known for superb voice-acting.Sadly,this time around I didn't find it to great.For one,The Prophet Of Truth and Gravemind's voices have been changed...and they are almost laughable(and it makes you want to cry).They were so disappointing I almost wanted to turn the sound off my TV when they were speaking.Instead of a bad-ass ,spiritual and contemplative evil leader...the Prophet sounds like a 95 year old man on his deathbed.Instead of a haunting,riddle speaking monster...Gravemind sounds like he's in the middle of taking a crap.What happened to the 'ol Halo 2 voice-actors eh?

The Music/Score: By far,this is the best part of Halo 3.Every memorable song has been redone in some sort of way the is just candy for the ears.Halo stands it's ground as he best music in videogame even challenges some famous movie scores.

Lasting Appeal: A+

All in all.Halo 3 IS a good game...even though the story is what got me into it in the first place...then Halo 3 comes along and put it short ruins it for me.
But I'd like to forget the campaign. Halo 3's multi-player packs a punch unlike any other game out there,and has the goods to keep you playing for years to come.