Dream of it n be it..

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo 3 X360
Perhaps the inclusion of a Halo Reach beta key will sweeten the deal for those musing whether to buy ODST or not, but the fact that the game is a brand new slab of Halo action should be all the convincing that die hard fans need. We like Halo 3: ODST and welcome the injection of personality brought to the narrative by your lost crew - especially Firefly actor Nathan Fillion as Buck - but it doesn't quite manage to live up to our lofty expectations of what a Halo title should offer. Let's hope that Halo Reach shakes up the formula and tries something brave and new, because for the most part, ODST plays it incredibly safe. To finally answer that question, to buy or not to buy, we'd actually say that dropping in on Halo 3: ODST is definitely worthwhile.Finally,it is a must buy game as a person can do things what he dreams about...